Pet Policy

We happily accept pets into many of our rental properties. One pet may be permitted with the following considerations:

  • Some rental units will not accept pets for any reason. If a pet is approved, a one time non-refundable pet fee of $300 per pet will be charged and the base rental rate may be increased by $25 per month per pet as ‘pet rent’.
  • Please speak to a property manager about your specific pet(s). We reserve the right to deny any pet at any time for any reason both prior to a lease and during a lease should the pet become a nuisance. 

Please note: Prior to tenant approval, if you are bringing a pet, we ask all tenant candidates to register their pet with using our referral link.  Using our referral link will automatically share your pets profile with us. is a simple and secure way to manage and share important information about your Pet or Assistance Animal.  There is a nominal cost to register your pet with unless you have a bona-fide assistance animal in your household. There is no charge ($0) for submitting a reasonable accommodation request for an Assistance Animal. Your request will be reviewed by the legal review team per the FHAct guidelines. Please be aware of laws and local ordinances, if any, for criminal offenses and/or penalties for committing assistance animal fraud.